The U.S. National Science Foundation announced its 2018 Graduate Research Fellowship Program recipients today. A full list of the 2,000 recipients is available from NSF FastLane.
Alas, as these things often go, the data is messy, e.g. the same university's name appears with multiple spellings ("University of California, Berkeley" versus "University of California-Berkeley", etc.). I've cleaned it up and made tables below of the number of recipients per field of study and from each undergraduate institution.
(The NSF data also has a field for "current" institution, but I don't list that because it's too messy to be useful. Students can apply for an NSF fellowship in either the senior year of undergrad, or the first two years of grad school, and these are mixed together without marking which is which. Furthermore, current institution is missing for 10% of them.)
Field of Study | # |
Life Sciences | 526 |
Engineering | 488 |
Chemistry | 170 |
Social Sciences | 152 |
Physics and Astronomy | 129 |
Comp/IS/Eng | 122 |
Geosciences | 118 |
Psychology | 118 |
Mathematical Sciences | 96 |
Materials Research | 54 |
STEM Education and Learning Research | 27 |
Detailed Field of Study | # |
Engineering - Biomedical Engineering | 109 |
Life Sciences - Ecology | 107 |
Engineering - Mechanical Engineering | 83 |
Life Sciences - Neurosciences | 78 |
Engineering - Chemical Engineering | 75 |
Engineering - Bioengineering | 50 |
Physics and Astronomy - Astronomy and Astrophysics | 47 |
Life Sciences - Biochemistry | 45 |
Life Sciences - Cell Biology | 43 |
Life Sciences - Microbial Biology | 42 |
Engineering - Electrical and Electronic Engineering | 37 |
Life Sciences - Evolutionary Biology | 36 |
Social Sciences - Economics | 36 |
Chemistry - Chemical Synthesis | 33 |
Engineering - Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering | 32 |
Engineering - Environmental Engineering | 31 |
Mathematical Sciences - Algebra, Number Theory, and Combinatorics | 29 |
Psychology - Cognitive Neuroscience | 28 |
Engineering - Materials Engineering | 27 |
Life Sciences - Genetics | 26 |
Chemistry - Chemical Catalysis | 25 |
Life Sciences - Systems and Molecular Biology | 25 |
Chemistry - Chemistry of Life Processes | 24 |
Psychology - Social Psychology | 24 |
Physics and Astronomy - Condensed Matter Physics | 23 |
Chemistry - Chemical Theory, Models and Computational Methods | 22 |
Chemistry - Chemical Structure, Dynamics, and Mechanism | 21 |
Comp/IS/Eng - Machine Learning | 21 |
Comp/IS/Eng - Robotics and Computer Vision | 21 |
Social Sciences - Sociology | 20 |
Engineering - Civil Engineering | 19 |
Chemistry - Macromolecular, Supramolecular, and Nanochemistry | 18 |
Life Sciences - Genomics | 18 |
Psychology - Developmental Psychology | 18 |
Mathematical Sciences - Applied Mathematics | 17 |
Life Sciences - Developmental Biology | 16 |
Physics and Astronomy - Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics | 16 |
Physics and Astronomy - Particle Physics | 16 |
Life Sciences - Organismal Biology | 15 |
Social Sciences - Political Science | 15 |
Social Sciences - Biological Anthropology | 14 |
Geosciences - Biogeochemistry | 13 |
Geosciences - Biological Oceanography | 13 |
Life Sciences - Structural Biology | 13 |
STEM Education and Learning Research - Science Education | 13 |
Social Sciences - Geography | 12 |
Comp/IS/Eng - Computational Science and Engineering | 11 |
Life Sciences - Bioinformatics and Computational Biology | 11 |
Social Sciences - Archaeology | 11 |
Social Sciences - Cultural Anthropology | 11 |
Comp/IS/Eng - Algorithms and Theoretical Foundations | 10 |
Comp/IS/Eng - Bioinformatics and other Informatics | 10 |
Comp/IS/Eng - Human Computer Interaction | 10 |
Geosciences - Marine Biology | 10 |
Life Sciences - Biophysics | 10 |
Materials Research - Chemistry of Materials | 10 |
Psychology - Cognitive Psychology | 10 |
Chemistry - Chemical Measurement and Imaging | 9 |
Geosciences - Atmospheric Chemistry | 9 |
Geosciences - Hydrology | 9 |
Life Sciences - Environmental Biology | 9 |
Comp/IS/Eng - Natural Language Processing | 8 |
Life Sciences - Physiology | 8 |
Materials Research - Biomaterials | 8 |
Materials Research - Electronic Materials | 8 |
Physics and Astronomy - Physics of Living Systems | 8 |
Physics and Astronomy - Theoretical Physics | 8 |
STEM Education and Learning Research - Engineering Education | 8 |
Comp/IS/Eng - Computer Security and Privacy | 7 |
Life Sciences - other (specify) - Immunology | 7 |
Materials Research - Physics of Materials | 7 |
Materials Research - Polymers | 7 |
Mathematical Sciences - Biostatistics | 7 |
Mathematical Sciences - Statistics | 7 |
Social Sciences - Linguistics | 7 |
Geosciences - Geochemistry | 6 |
Geosciences - Geomorphology | 6 |
Mathematical Sciences - Computational Mathematics | 6 |
Mathematical Sciences - Mathematical Biology | 6 |
Psychology - Neuropsychology | 6 |
Psychology - Social/Affective Neuroscience | 6 |
Chemistry - other (specify) - Chemical Biology | 5 |
Comp/IS/Eng - Communication and Information Theory | 5 |
Engineering - Nuclear Engineering | 5 |
Geosciences - Climate and Large-Scale Atmospheric Dynamics | 5 |
Geosciences - Geobiology | 5 |
Geosciences - Geophysics | 5 |
Geosciences - Paleoclimate | 5 |
Social Sciences - Public Policy | 5 |
Chemistry - Environmental Chemical Systems | 4 |
Comp/IS/Eng - Computer Networks | 4 |
Comp/IS/Eng - Computer Systems and Embedded Systems | 4 |
Geosciences - Chemical Oceanography | 4 |
Geosciences - Paleontology and Paleobiology | 4 |
Geosciences - Petrology | 4 |
Geosciences - Tectonics | 4 |
Materials Research - Materials Theory | 4 |
Mathematical Sciences - Analysis | 4 |
Mathematical Sciences - Geometric Analysis | 4 |
Mathematical Sciences - Topology | 4 |
Physics and Astronomy - Nuclear Physics | 4 |
Physics and Astronomy - Plasma Physics | 4 |
Psychology - other (specify) - Clinical Psychology | 4 |
Social Sciences - Science Policy | 4 |
Comp/IS/Eng - Formal Methods, Verification, and Programming Languages | 3 |
Engineering - Computer Engineering | 3 |
Engineering - Industrial Engineering and Operations Research | 3 |
Engineering - Optical Engineering | 3 |
Engineering - Polymer Engineering | 3 |
Geosciences - Marine Geology and Geophysics | 3 |
Life Sciences - other (specify) - Behavioral Ecology | 3 |
Life Sciences - Systematics and Biodiversity | 3 |
Materials Research - Ceramics | 3 |
Materials Research - Metallic Materials | 3 |
Materials Research - Photonic Materials | 3 |
Mathematical Sciences - Computational and Data-enabled Science | 3 |
Mathematical Sciences - Logic or Foundations of Mathematics | 3 |
Psychology - Personality and Individual Differences | 3 |
Psychology - Psycholinguistics | 3 |
Comp/IS/Eng - Data Mining and Information Retrieval | 2 |
Comp/IS/Eng - other (specify) - Artificial Intelligence | 2 |
Engineering - Systems Engineering | 2 |
Geosciences - other (specify) - Planetary Science | 2 |
Geosciences - Physical and Dynamic Meteorology | 2 |
Geosciences - Physical Oceanography | 2 |
Mathematical Sciences - Computational Statistics | 2 |
Mathematical Sciences - Probability | 2 |
Psychology - Computational Psychology | 2 |
Psychology - Industrial/Organizational Psychology | 2 |
Psychology - Perception and Psychophysics | 2 |
Social Sciences - Medical Anthropology | 2 |
Social Sciences - Urban and Regional Planning | 2 |
STEM Education and Learning Research - Mathematics Education | 2 |
Chemistry - other (specify) - Electroanalytical Chemistry | 1 |
Chemistry - other (specify) - Inorganic Materials | 1 |
Chemistry - other (specify) - Materials Chemistry | 1 |
Chemistry - other (specify) - Materials Science | 1 |
Chemistry - other (specify) - Physical | 1 |
Chemistry - other (specify) - Physical Chemistry | 1 |
Chemistry - other (specify) - Radiochemistry | 1 |
Chemistry - other (specify) - Spectroscopy | 1 |
Chemistry - Sustainable Chemistry | 1 |
Comp/IS/Eng - Computer Architecture | 1 |
Comp/IS/Eng - Graphics and Visualization | 1 |
Comp/IS/Eng - other (specify) - Sketch Recognition/HCI/ML | 1 |
Comp/IS/Eng - Software Engineering | 1 |
Engineering - Ocean Engineering | 1 |
Engineering - other (specify) - Ecological Engineering | 1 |
Engineering - other (specify) - Engineering - Water Resources | 1 |
Engineering - other (specify) - Neural Engineering | 1 |
Engineering - other (specify) - Plasma Science and Engineering, Environmental En | 1 |
Engineering - other (specify) - Transportation Engineering | 1 |
Geosciences - Geodynamics | 1 |
Geosciences - Glaciology | 1 |
Geosciences - other (specify) - Climate science | 1 |
Geosciences - other (specify) - Earth System Science | 1 |
Geosciences - other (specify) - Mineral Physics | 1 |
Geosciences - other (specify) - Seismology | 1 |
Geosciences - other (specify) - Soil Science | 1 |
Life Sciences - other (specify) - Biology | 1 |
Life Sciences - other (specify) - Ecohydrology | 1 |
Life Sciences - other (specify) - Ecophysiology | 1 |
Life Sciences - other (specify) - Entomology | 1 |
Life Sciences - other (specify) - Immunology/Parasitology | 1 |
Life Sciences - other (specify) - Infectious Disease Ecology | 1 |
Life Sciences - other (specify) - Marine Ecology | 1 |
Life Sciences - other (specify) - Neuroendocrinology | 1 |
Life Sciences - other (specify) - Plant Pathology | 1 |
Life Sciences - other (specify) - Systems Immunology | 1 |
Life Sciences - other (specify) - Wildlife Conservation | 1 |
Materials Research - Materials, other (specify) - Transparent Conductors | 1 |
Mathematical Sciences - other (specify) - Dynamics/Geometry | 1 |
Mathematical Sciences - other (specify) - Symplectic & Contact Geometry | 1 |
Physics and Astronomy - other (specify) - Biophysics | 1 |
Physics and Astronomy - other (specify) - Particle accelerators | 1 |
Physics and Astronomy - other (specify) - Quantum Information Theory | 1 |
Psychology - Comparative Psychology | 1 |
Psychology - other (specify) - Clinical | 1 |
Psychology - other (specify) - Clinical Psychology: Research Focus Neuroendocrin | 1 |
Psychology - other (specify) - Clinical Science | 1 |
Psychology - other (specify) - Cognition and Development | 1 |
Psychology - other (specify) - Educational Psychology | 1 |
Psychology - other (specify) - Health Psychology | 1 |
Psychology - other (specify) - Psychopathology | 1 |
Psychology - Physiological Psychology | 1 |
Psychology - Quantitative Psychology | 1 |
Social Sciences - Anthropology, other (specify) - Archaeology | 1 |
Social Sciences - Anthropology, other (specify) - Cultural Anthropology | 1 |
Social Sciences - Anthropology, other (specify) - Environmental Anthropology | 1 |
Social Sciences - Decision Making and Risk Analysis | 1 |
Social Sciences - History and Philosophy of Science | 1 |
Social Sciences - International Relations | 1 |
Social Sciences - Law and Social Science | 1 |
Social Sciences - other (specify) - Environmental Management | 1 |
Social Sciences - other (specify) - Governance and Human Dimensions of Natural R | 1 |
Social Sciences - other (specify) - Human Dimensions of Coral Reefs | 1 |
Social Sciences - other (specify) - Human dimensions of natural resources manage | 1 |
Social Sciences - other (specify) - Narrative Medicine | 1 |
Social Sciences - other (specify) - Natural Resource Economics | 1 |
STEM Education and Learning Research - other (specify) - Chemistry Education Res | 1 |
STEM Education and Learning Research - other (specify) - Educational Policy and | 1 |
STEM Education and Learning Research - other (specify) - Environmental Education | 1 |
STEM Education and Learning Research - Technology Education | 1 |
Baccalaureate Institution | # |
University of California-Berkeley | 75 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 51 |
Cornell University | 46 |
Harvard University | 43 |
Princeton University | 41 |
Stanford University | 41 |
University of California-Los Angeles | 37 |
Columbia University | 30 |
University of Washington | 30 |
University of Chicago | 29 |
University of California-San Diego | 27 |
University of Texas at Austin | 27 |
University of Maryland College Park | 25 |
Yale University | 25 |
California Institute of Technology | 23 |
Duke University | 23 |
Pennsylvania State Univ University Park | 22 |
University of California-Davis | 22 |
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities | 22 |
Brown University | 21 |
University of Michigan Ann Arbor | 21 |
University of California-Santa Barbara | 20 |
Georgia Institute of Technology | 19 |
University of Wisconsin-Madison | 19 |
Johns Hopkins University | 18 |
Northeastern University | 18 |
University of Florida | 18 |
Arizona State University | 16 |
North Carolina State University | 16 |
University of California-Irvine | 16 |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 16 |
Rice University | 14 |
University of Arizona | 14 |
University of Pennsylvania | 14 |
Michigan State University | 13 |
Ohio State University | 13 |
University of Utah | 13 |
Texas A&M University Main Campus | 12 |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 12 |
Washington University | 12 |
Northwestern University | 11 |
University of Virginia Main Campus | 11 |
Vanderbilt University | 11 |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | 11 |
Boston University | 10 |
Oregon State University | 10 |
Tufts University | 10 |
University of Connecticut | 10 |
University of Maryland Baltimore County | 10 |
University of Miami | 10 |
University of Rochester | 10 |
University of South Carolina at Columbia | 10 |
Wellesley College | 10 |
Case Western Reserve University | 9 |
Dartmouth College | 9 |
University of Central Florida | 9 |
University of Colorado at Boulder | 9 |
University of Delaware | 9 |
Williams College | 9 |
Brigham Young University | 8 |
California State University-Fullerton | 8 |
Carnegie Mellon University | 8 |
Indiana University | 8 |
Rutgers University New Brunswick | 8 |
University of New Mexico | 8 |
University of Notre Dame | 8 |
University of Pittsburgh | 8 |
Iowa State University | 7 |
Pomona College | 7 |
Purdue University | 7 |
SUNY at Buffalo | 7 |
Swarthmore College | 7 |
University of Georgia | 7 |
University of Montana | 7 |
Carleton College | 6 |
Clemson University | 6 |
College of William and Mary | 6 |
Emory University | 6 |
Florida State University | 6 |
George Washington University | 6 |
James Madison University | 6 |
Oberlin College | 6 |
San Diego State University | 6 |
San Francisco State University | 6 |
University of California-Santa Cruz | 6 |
University of Iowa | 6 |
Boise State University | 5 |
Boston College | 5 |
California Polytechnic State University | 5 |
California State University, Northridge | 5 |
Colorado State University | 5 |
Drexel University | 5 |
Harvey Mudd College | 5 |
Haverford College | 5 |
New York University | 5 |
The College of New Jersey | 5 |
University of California-Riverside | 5 |
University of Kansas Main Campus | 5 |
University of Massachusetts Amherst | 5 |
University of Oregon Eugene | 5 |
University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras | 5 |
University of Texas at Dallas | 5 |
Utah State University | 5 |
Amherst College | 4 |
Appalachian State University | 4 |
Barnard College | 4 |
Brandeis University | 4 |
Bucknell University | 4 |
California State Polytechnic University-Pomona | 4 |
Claremont McKenna College | 4 |
Colorado College | 4 |
Florida International University | 4 |
Georgetown University | 4 |
Hendrix College | 4 |
Kansas State University | 4 |
Middlebury College | 4 |
Oklahoma State University | 4 |
Rochester Institute of Tech | 4 |
Syracuse University | 4 |
Tulane University | 4 |
Union College | 4 |
University of Arkansas | 4 |
University of Oklahoma Norman Campus | 4 |
University of Portland | 4 |
University of South Florida | 4 |
University of Southern California | 4 |
University of Texas at San Antonio | 4 |
Villanova University | 4 |
Virginia Commonwealth University | 4 |
American University | 3 |
Bowdoin College | 3 |
Bridgewater State College | 3 |
California State University, San Marcos | 3 |
Coe College | 3 |
Colby College | 3 |
CUNY City College | 3 |
DePaul University | 3 |
Furman University | 3 |
Goucher College | 3 |
Grinnell College | 3 |
Kenyon College | 3 |
Lafayette College | 3 |
Lawrence University | 3 |
Messiah College | 3 |
Miami University | 3 |
Montana State University | 3 |
Mount Holyoke College | 3 |
New Mexico State University | 3 |
North Dakota State University Fargo | 3 |
Occidental College | 3 |
Ohio University | 3 |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | 3 |
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology | 3 |
Saint Olaf College | 3 |
San Jose State University | 3 |
Scripps College | 3 |
Smith College | 3 |
Southern Methodist University | 3 |
SUNY at Stony Brook | 3 |
University of Alabama at Birmingham | 3 |
University of Alaska Anchorage Campus | 3 |
University of Cincinnati Main Campus | 3 |
University of Idaho | 3 |
University of Louisville | 3 |
University of Maine | 3 |
University of Missouri-Columbia | 3 |
University of Nebraska at Omaha | 3 |
University of North Carolina at Charlotte | 3 |
University of Puerto Rico Cayey | 3 |
University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez | 3 |
University of Puget Sound | 3 |
University of South Dakota Main Campus | 3 |
Wake Forest University | 3 |
Auburn University | 2 |
Bates College | 2 |
Baylor University | 2 |
Bryn Mawr College | 2 |
California State University-Long Beach | 2 |
Cambridge University | 2 |
Christian Brothers University | 2 |
Colgate University | 2 |
College of Charleston | 2 |
Colorado School of Mines | 2 |
Denison University | 2 |
DePauw University | 2 |
Dickinson College | 2 |
East Tennessee State University | 2 |
Elon University | 2 |
Florida Gulf Coast University | 2 |
Georgia State University | 2 |
Hampton University | 2 |
Hartwick College | 2 |
Humboldt State University | 2 |
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis | 2 |
Ithaca College | 2 |
Kalamazoo College | 2 |
Lehigh University | 2 |
Lewis and Clark College | 2 |
Louisiana State University | 2 |
Loyola Marymount University | 2 |
Macalester College | 2 |
Missouri University of Science and Technology | 2 |
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology | 2 |
Pitzer College | 2 |
Portland State University | 2 |
Reed College | 2 |
Rhodes College | 2 |
Rowan University | 2 |
Skidmore College | 2 |
St. Norbert College | 2 |
Stevens Institute of Technology | 2 |
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry | 2 |
Texas State University - San Marcos | 2 |
Towson University | 2 |
University of British Columbia | 2 |
University of Hawaii Manoa | 2 |
University of Illinois at Chicago | 2 |
University of Kentucky | 2 |
University of Massachusetts Lowell | 2 |
University of Nebraska-Lincoln | 2 |
University of Nevada, Reno | 2 |
University of North Carolina Greensboro | 2 |
University of Puerto Rico at Humacao | 2 |
University of Rhode Island | 2 |
University of San Diego | 2 |
University of Scranton | 2 |
University of Southern Mississippi | 2 |
University of Tennessee Knoxville | 2 |
University of Texas at El Paso | 2 |
University of West Florida | 2 |
Vassar College | 2 |
Washington and Jefferson College | 2 |
Washington and Lee University | 2 |
Washington State University | 2 |
Wesleyan University | 2 |
West Virginia University | 2 |
Wichita State University | 2 |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute | 2 |
Youngstown State University | 2 |
Adrian College | 1 |
Anderson University | 1 |
Augsburg College | 1 |
Augustana College | 1 |
Australian National University | 1 |
Ball State University | 1 |
Bard College | 1 |
Barry University | 1 |
Bellarmine University | 1 |
Beloit College | 1 |
Benedictine University | 1 |
Berklee College of Music | 1 |
Binghamton University | 1 |
Bradley University | 1 |
California Lutheran University | 1 |
California State University Channel Islands | 1 |
California State University-Dominguez Hills | 1 |
California State University-Fresno | 1 |
California State University-Los Angeles | 1 |
California State University-Sacramento | 1 |
California State University-San Bernardino | 1 |
Canisius College | 1 |
Carroll College | 1 |
Chapman University | 1 |
Chicago State University | 1 |
Clarion University of Pennsylvania | 1 |
Clark Atlanta University | 1 |
Clarkson University | 1 |
Cleveland State University | 1 |
Coastal Carolina University | 1 |
College of the Atlantic | 1 |
College of the Holy Cross | 1 |
Connecticut College | 1 |
Coppin State University | 1 |
CUNY Brooklyn College | 1 |
CUNY Herbert H. Lehman College | 1 |
CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice | 1 |
CUNY Queens College | 1 |
Dakota Wesleyan University | 1 |
Dalhousie University | 1 |
DeSales University | 1 |
Drake University | 1 |
Drew University | 1 |
Drury University | 1 |
Duquesne University | 1 |
Eastern Illinois University | 1 |
Eastern Mennonite University | 1 |
Eastern Oregon University | 1 |
Eastern Washington University | 1 |
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania | 1 |
Fisk University | 1 |
Fort Hays State University | 1 |
Fort Lewis College | 1 |
Franklin Pierce College | 1 |
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering | 1 |
George Mason University | 1 |
Gettysburg College | 1 |
Hamilton College | 1 |
Hampshire College | 1 |
Harding University | 1 |
Heritage University | 1 |
Hope College | 1 |
Houston Baptist University | 1 |
Howard University | 1 |
Hunter College of CUNY | 1 |
Illinois Institute of Technology | 1 |
Illinois State University | 1 |
Illinois Wesleyan University | 1 |
Jackson State University | 1 |
Johnson State College | 1 |
Kent State University | 1 |
Lamar University Beaumont | 1 |
Linfield College | 1 |
Louisiana Tech University | 1 |
Loyola University of Chicago | 1 |
Luther College | 1 |
Lynchburg College | 1 |
Manchester University | 1 |
Manhattan College | 1 |
Marist College | 1 |
Marshall University | 1 |
McGill University | 1 |
Middle Georgia State University | 1 |
Middle Tennessee State University | 1 |
Millersville University | 1 |
Mills College | 1 |
Minot State University | 1 |
Mississippi State University | 1 |
Montclair State University | 1 |
Mount St. Mary's University | 1 |
National University | 1 |
National Yang-Ming Medical College | 1 |
New College of Florida | 1 |
New Jersey Institute of Technology | 1 |
Northeastern Illinois University | 1 |
Northern Arizona University | 1 |
Northern Illinois University | 1 |
Northern Michigan University | 1 |
Northland College | 1 |
Ohio Northern University | 1 |
Ohio Wesleyan University | 1 |
Otterbein College | 1 |
Penn State Harrisburg | 1 |
Pennsylvania State University - World Campus | 1 |
Point Loma Nazarene College | 1 |
Ripon College | 1 |
Rockford College | 1 |
Roger Williams University | 1 |
Saint Louis University | 1 |
Saint Martin's University | 1 |
Saint Mary's College of California | 1 |
Salish Kootenai College | 1 |
Santa Clara University | 1 |
Shaw University | 1 |
Simmons College | 1 |
Simon's Rock of Bard College | 1 |
Southwest Baptist University | 1 |
Southwestern University | 1 |
Spelman College | 1 |
Spring Hill College | 1 |
St Joseph's University | 1 |
St. Catherine University | 1 |
Suffolk University | 1 |
SUNY at Albany | 1 |
SUNY at Binghamton | 1 |
SUNY College at Geneseo | 1 |
SUNY College at Oswego | 1 |
Temple University | 1 |
Tennessee Technological University | 1 |
Texas A&M University at Galveston | 1 |
Texas Christian University | 1 |
Texas Tech University | 1 |
Tongji University | 1 |
Transylvania University | 1 |
Trinity University | 1 |
Truman State University | 1 |
United States Military Academy | 1 |
United States Naval Academy | 1 |
Universidad Metropolitana | 1 |
Universidad Simon Bolivar | 1 |
University of Alabama in Huntsville | 1 |
University of Alabama Tuscaloosa | 1 |
University of Alaska Southeast Juneau Campus | 1 |
University of Arkansas at Little Rock | 1 |
University of Central Oklahoma | 1 |
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs | 1 |
University of Dallas | 1 |
University of Dayton | 1 |
University of Denver | 1 |
University of Detroit Mercy | 1 |
University of Edinburgh | 1 |
University of Guam | 1 |
University of Hawaii at Hilo | 1 |
University of Louisiana at Lafayette | 1 |
University of Minnesota Duluth | 1 |
University of Mississippi | 1 |
University of Missouri-Saint Louis | 1 |
University of New Hampshire | 1 |
University of New Haven | 1 |
University of North Carolina at Asheville | 1 |
University of North Carolina at Wilmington | 1 |
University of North Dakota | 1 |
University of North Texas | 1 |
University of Northern Colorado | 1 |
University of Ottawa | 1 |
University of Puerto Rico in Ponce | 1 |
University of Richmond | 1 |
University of Saint Joseph | 1 |
University of Saint Thomas | 1 |
University of San Francisco | 1 |
University of South Alabama | 1 |
University of South Florida St. Petersburg | 1 |
University of Tampa | 1 |
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley | 1 |
University of the Pacific | 1 |
University of the South | 1 |
University of The Virgin Islands | 1 |
University of Tulsa | 1 |
University of Vermont | 1 |
University of Virginia's College at Wise | 1 |
University of Washington Bothell | 1 |
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire | 1 |
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse | 1 |
University of Wisconsin-Platteville | 1 |
Walla Walla College | 1 |
Washington College | 1 |
Washington State University Tri-Cities | 1 |
Wayne State University | 1 |
Wesleyan College | 1 |
Western Kentucky University | 1 |
Western Washington University | 1 |
Wheaton College | 1 |
Wheeling Jesuit University | 1 |
Whitman College | 1 |
Willamette University | 1 |
William Jewell College | 1 |
Winona State University | 1 |
Winthrop University | 1 |
Wofford College | 1 |
Wright State University | 1 |